Dream On!
This morning I woke up praying and imagining. I spent about 30 minutes doing so. It was refreshing. I thought about possibilities for the future - things I could do that I haven't dared to do. I felt God affirming my courage to leap into the things that I have been too timid to do. Some of my best ideas come in the morning...I am grateful to have the time to explore them in my heart before I ever get out of bed. It feels like I am nurturing my inner Spirit.
Many of us are afraid to dream and to dare to act on our dreams. They're often too risky and will demand too much, therefore, we should abandon them and live life safe and comfortably (like everyone else). I know fear, yet I know there is a courage inside fierce enough to conquer what holds me back. Often times, I hear the voice of family members trying to disuade me from my unique purpose in life. This, in addition, to battling my own insecurities, makes living from the heart a true act of courage. You must abandon disappointing others and their criticism to bring your dreams to life. I also believe in self-fulfilling prophecy. You will truly only do what you believe you can do. I hear my heart resound, "Yes, go for it" and I know it is within me to live out my dream and calling.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." — Mark Twain
"“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.” - Mark Twain
Recently a friend posted this article on her facebook page. It is certainly something to contemplate, however, it was the comment posted below the article that most affected me:
"Sad that so many of us see being a parent as being a “dream-crushing adult.” Who says that when we grow up we have to give up the big, impractical, crazy dreams? I never, ever talk about why my kids CAN’T do something; I assume they CAN. I take them seriously and I encourage all their dreams, no matter how much they change or how out-there they are. How else would anyone change the world? I think this is especially important for girls. So many women are socialized to think they have to give up their dreams and be 100% practical as they grow up and especially when they become mothers. This is what is still keeping women down relative to men, I think. It is totally frowned upon to dream, to waste money, to waste time, or to take risks. But guess what — this is exactly what defines successful entrepreneurs, people who run for office and ALL others who make a difference in the world." - Michelle
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