Israel (Day 3)
It is difficult to capture the experiences from the last couple days since the days have carried so much weight and significance. My love affair with scripture began around the age of eight or nine. I read scripture in Sunday school and at home ~ stories like David and Goliath and Jesus who loved the weak, poor, and disadvantaged. So much of my young life was captured in these stories and they were powerful in nurturing my relationship with God.
Traveling to Israel is a surreal experience. It is hard to believe I am walking in the same places as Jonah, King David, King Solomon, Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Peter, and many others. It is glorious. All I can think about is how much I loved these stories, these characters, how they shaped me, and how they still challenge and excite me today. I wanted to scream out loud and dance around in circles as I thought about how much scripture has meant to me over the years, and now being in the land from which they originated.
There have been many special moments, however, the most special happened at the Church of Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding banquet - turning water into wine. After being prompted by a few others, Joe and I spontaneously renewed our wedding vows (after five years of marriage). We had a Reverend in our tour group officiate the small and sweet ceremony between the two of us. Joe said he was more excited than ever before to marry me and renew our commitment to each other. I felt the same way. It is a wonderful gift to see that our love for each other has only grown in respect and enjoyment of the other. Sure we grate on each other from time to time, but we are in this for life. I see our vow renewal as romantic and symbolic understanding that Jesus is in process of turning the water of our marriage into a wonderfully aged wine that has depth and complexity.
Photos in the link below will take you through our experiences over the past three days in Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Nazareth, Caesarea, Cana, Sea of Galilee, Tiberias, Capernaum, etc. Tomorrow we leave for Jerusalem. Shalom!
What a wonderful experience together! Thank you so much for sharing and writing so often.