
"I believe in miracles, Where're you from, you sexy thing, you sexy thang." 
- Hot Chocolate lyrics.

No, but seriously.  I believe in miracles. I could tell you a few stories of my own, and a few stories experienced by close friends of mine. One of my favorite stories is an injured 19-year old ice skater who discovered one leg was slightly shorter than the other which led to her injuries. She spent two years in a wheel chair.  During that time she meditated on scriptures about healing and surrounded herself with people that would pray for her.  Her leg literally grew during a prayer session witnessed by a group of people. She has before and after x-rays to prove the change.  

I have a couple of my own stories.  When I was 9-mths pregnant with Pepper, I had to get an MRI due to a weird migraine that left me with numbness in my arm and fingers.  In the middle of the MRI, I had a panic attack.  My body felt like it was on fire, I had to go to the restroom, and I wanted to run.  I couldn't stay under the machine.  The doctors insisted, but I freaked out.  Finally, I prayed and instantly I felt calm throughout my whole body and mind.  I was able to complete the MRI in a state of peace.  I knew God was very present with me in that moment.

Last week, I saw this story on the news.  It made me so happy.  If you don't believe in miracles, you definitely need to watch and reconsider. 45 minutes dead, and now alive (healthy and strong):



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