Unfading Beauty

"A woman who is beautiful but lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout." 

- Proverbs 11:22

Even when I am a super tired and can not spend time reading the Bible, I try to (at least) read a chapter in Proverbs and one in Psalms.  Billy Graham made this his daily habit, and it inspired me to do the same.  Proverbs is a book of wisdom and Psalms is a book of the heart.  

I have been (intermittently) doing a Proverbs study called "Beauty by the Book" which is a study of the book of Proverbs and God's definition of a beautiful woman.  Today's study contrasts an Indiscreet Woman with a Woman of Discretion.  I found it insightful and true, so I thought I would share.

For some reason when I read the above verse about indiscretion, the first image that popped in my mind was this beautiful young woman from American Idol who auditioned to sing wearing a bikini.  She had a beautiful voice and an incredible body, but she looked like a fool dressed in a bikini.  It was obvious she wasn't comfortable with herself, nor did she own her beauty or know her worth.  She was hungry for attention and for the wrong reasons.  Had she been dressed modestly, she wouldn't have been the laughing stock of the judges and perhaps she would have been taken seriously as a singer.  

Here's how the Bible contrasts an Indiscreet Woman vs a Woman of Discretion:

The Indiscreet Woman:
1)  She talks too much and says whatever comes into her head.
2) She mocks personal and spiritual growth.
3) She makes poor decisions based on bad judgment.
4) She's loud and enjoys being argumentative.
5) She plays with danger and suffers its consequences.

The Discreet Woman:
1) She discerns her words and speaks with wisdom. Prov 10:13. 11:12
2) She's eager to learn, grow and mature spiritually.  Prov 4:6
3) She makes thoughtful decisions based on truth.  Prov 13:16, 14:15
4) She is self-controlled and not easily angered. Prov 17:27
5) She sees danger and avoids it.  Prov 27:12

God links discretion with beauty.  God's definition of beauty is refreshing - it has more substance and is based on a person's heart, character and originality.  Here are a couple more verses I have been meditating on:

1 Peter 3:
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves."

Proverbs 31:

I really believe the essence of femininity is beauty.  Women are endlessly chasing new creams, fitness and diet regiments, makeup, clothes, jewelry and sometimes plastic surgery- all to be beautiful.  

God says it comes from within.  Beauty is having a gentle and quiet spirit.  I think it's about being contemplative, retreating in nature to have a conversation with God, and listening.  Listening for God to speak to your heart.  Allowing him to be the source ~ to make our inner selves beautiful.


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