Fun Loving

If I could describe the kind of mother I hope to become in two words it would be FUN-LOVING.

Now that we are four months into pregnancy, I am contemplating motherhood and the kind of family I hope to nurture.  In my reflection time, I came up with a marvelous image.  It was of Bill Cosby.  I hope to mother the way Bill Cosby fathered!  The Cosby Show embodied the words fun-loving.  In order to create this kind of family situation, the parents had to have foundational elements in place such as a strong marriage, security, discipline, order and respect, but what bonded them as a family was the way they loved and laughed together.

Bill Cosby made love feel like fun!  He was playful, light hearted, sincere, smart and funny.  He is my image of a great mother, a sort of hero of mine.

If you have the time, watch the full episode.  See why I love this family?


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