Meet the Doctor

This scene happened today as I was having lunch with my 2.5 year old daughter Pepper.  She grabbed this doll, and started playing with her saying, "Doctor, Doctor".

I quietly observed her playtime.  She knows and understands this doll is a Veterinarian.  In this moment, I realize Pepper has never taken the Vet's clothes off, tried to re-dress her or given her any accessory other than a stethoscope, a pet brush and a doctor's bag.  Pepper hasn't even attempted to fix her messy blonde hair.

Pepper's first pediatrician was a blonde woman named Dr. Valerie Paris.  She was warm, nurturing and had a lovely smile.  I wonder if Pepper associates the Vet doll with her first doctor.

Whatever the case may be, I am thankful when Pepper plays with blonde dolls like this one, she thinks of doctors not fashion models.  I am thankful for Bass Pro Shop for selling this Vet set complete with dogs, puppies and bandages.  No Ken doll was included.  No fancy dresses, or bikinis were included either.

Can I share something personal with you?  When I was a little girl I remember hearing, "Debbie, you are so pretty you could grow up to marry a doctor someday".  I wish someone would have told me I was so clever and persistent that I could grow up to be a doctor someday.

I can't change the messages I received as a little girl, but I can change the message I send to my daughter.  

I am thankful my daughter is surrounded by strong female role models who are doctors, professors, chefs, statisticians, homemakers, designers, engineers, etc.  I am also thankful for Bass Pro Shop for selling dolls with professions and hobbies other than "dressing up".

Should you be interested in purchasing this Vet set, here's the link:

Ps.  If Pepper does grow up to be a Vet someday, she would be Dr. Pepper.  Come on, that's just plain awesome!


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