Confessions of a commitment phobe

I am a commitment phobe in recovery.  Just ask my husband.  I ran from with him numerous times before we were married ~ making excuses, finding fault and exaggerating differences...anything to excuse myself from the commitment of an intimate relationship.   I was the runaway bride.  If you have seen the Julia Robert's movie, you'll know what I'm talking about.

My commitment phobia is still active to this day, however, I am choosing to overcome.  I have to dedicate myself to goals and set a plan, otherwise, I will bail and never do the things I truly want to do.  Recently, I have been working with a life coach every other week to help me stay in focus.  Commitments I am determined to keep:

Learning French.
Practicing Yoga & Pilates.
Keeping the family budget.
Having an organized home.

I shall do it.

"Never ever give up." - Sir Winston Churchill


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