Mint Juleps!

Why am I in France thinking about the Kentucky Derby?  May is almost here and I have three things weighing on my mind: the Kentucky Derby, Mint Juleps and my rapidly approaching 30th Birthday.  Back to the Mint Juleps....

Chef Armand taught us to prepare homemade mint syrup in class yesterday evening.  It was so delicious.  Normally I am not a fan of simple syrups as they are usually too sweet and too heavy.  This syrup was perfection so I thought you would want the recipe for your Mint Juleps this year.  And don't even think about watching the Derby without one!

1 liter of spring water
5 cups (1,200 kg) of granulated sugar
3/4 cups of glucose (150kg) or two tablespoons of corn syrup
2oz of fresh mint

Bring water to a boil.  Add the granulated sugar. Turn heat to low while stirring constantly until sugar is completely dissolved.
Once dissolved (you shouldn't see any sugar crystals), you can stir in glucose or corn syrup.
Add the mint and bring to simmer (med-high heat) for just a few minutes.  When the bubbles reach the center of the sauce pan - it is finished.  Turn the burner off, cover, and let set for 30 minutes.
Pour into a clean glass jar and store in the fridge!

The greatest thing about this mint syrup is you can make a non-alcoholic Mint Julep and enjoy immensely with the kids!  Just pour equal amounts of mint syrup and water into a glass and fill with crush iced.  Garnish with fresh mint to make it beautiful.

Two important websites for you:

Hope you pick a winning horse, wear a stunning hat and enjoy the Kentucky Derby while slushing a fresh mint julep!  Raise your glasses my friends....


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