Wedding dresses and chocolat

I have already eaten an entire chocolate bar watching the pre-show to the Royal Wedding.  It is not even 11am yet!  I am excited and mostly watching to see Kate Middleton's dress.  I LOVE dresses, and your wedding dress is the single most important and memorable dress of your life.  She has all the world's designers at her fingertips so I am on the edge waiting to see the unveiling of both the designer and the dress.  We hear it is Sara Burton successor of Alexander McQueen (a creative genius).

Before we moved to Switzerland, I took my wedding dress (Elizabeth Filmore) to the dry cleaners to get cleaned.  When I opened the bag of the dress, I can't explain the emotion.  I nearly wept.  I was overjoyed to see my dress again.  I want to wear it again.  I just must.  I don't know the right occasion - I only know it means too much to only wear once.

So here I am watching the wedding with my tea and chocolate, and looking forward to an afternoon of more chocolate.  I am doing a "chocolate walk"  with my friend Tanja who is moving back to Cincinnati from Geneva.  She is spending one of her last days here visiting all the chocolate shops she has grown to love during her time here and introducing me to her favorite truffles.  It was so "sweet" of her to invite me.  Ladies, anytime you need a friend for a "chocolate walk"- you know who to call.

Can't wait for Kate to walk down the aisle.  I hope it is royal looking.  I am sure it's going to be glorious.


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